Friday 16 November 2012

Home-cooked Food

it is a long time for me didn't eat home-cooked food~
miss it much!
miss the moment that every meals prepared by my mom~
now, at university we need to settle each meals by our own.
this few days holidays, finally i can eat home-cooked food prepared by my mom.
that day, we eat steambot!!
my favourite!! yipee~~
it is my favourite because i love the soup..
and also can eat many types of fishballs..haha!

yummy yummy~
long time didn't eat steambot already~
really miss it XP
mom had prepared two types of soup..
that are tomyam and original soup.
eating steambot together with family is totally different~
the feeling is so warm and lovely~
hope to havea steambot meal with friends in university.
let's try it together, my friends :)

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