Friday 30 November 2012

my very first work-PAP

28/11/2012 was PAP recommendation ceremony.
as the exco of stage and layout design,
me and my partner had designed the background of this ceremony.
our design plan was changing from day to day,
to produce the best work.
we had worked so hard for it.
worked until late of night everyday,
to prepare and design for this ceremony.
we undergo and face many challenges and obstacles during the design process.
but the end, we finally successfully produce a quite ideal background.
soooo touching~ T.T

although it look simple, but we had worked hard for it actually~
now, i only can understand the hardship of behind-scene staff~
they are so great!!
sacrifice without any complaints..

i will learn through the process..
learn to be tough and patient.
i will improve myself..

next event.. will have a better work! Fighting!

Saturday 24 November 2012

Doomsday sketch perfomances

after struggle and hardship for about 2months,
finally we can perform our doomsday sketch at DAM!!
it was so exciting,
as all our hard work will be shown at that day.
without disappointing anyone,
all actors had performed our best to the audiences!
and we really did it well that night.
our doomsday sketch performance is successfull!
applause from audiences is the best return for us!
it was realy touching.
thanks so much every one.
we are the best!
sincerely, i had learnt a lots during this process.
and i will always remember these every pretty moment.
the performance was ended.
maybe after few weeks, we will be forgetten by the audinces.
but, i will never forget that i had been a part of doomsday sketch!

actors and actress~

we are the best!

Tired-doomsday sketch + PAP

this week is a tiring week for me~
as both events -practising of doomsday sketch and PAP AJK recuitment week
are carrying on at the same time.
it was really tired.
not only physically but also mentally tired T_T
somemore the MANAGEMENT examination is bringing forward to this saturday too.
is so so so tired!
after duty for PAP recuitment week,
i need to practise for doomsdays sketch everyday
until late of midnight >.<
although all these are really tiring and stressful,
but i try to enjoy it :)
support from friends is the motivation for me
to continue every time.
thanks, my friends!
you all really help me a lots :)
i will stay strong <3

you never know how strong you are,
     until being strong is the only choice you have.

Friday 16 November 2012

The beauty of night

after 4-days camping at kajang,
it was really tired.
but i had learnt a lots valuable experiance from this camp.
after taking 2 hours nap, i went to midvalley~
to buy some daily necessities~
it was really tired as i had spent all my energy in that camp,
but i still have to come out buy my things T_T
after shopping for 3 hours,
it was about 8pm.
and i decided to go back~

the night view from midvalley was pretty enough!
the beauty of night make me feel relax and comfortable.
the feeling of tired suddenly disappear~
it was really beautiful~
the busy hustle town can be so attractive and lovely at night.

A lonely journey

because of some event, i need to go back UKM ealier~
i had to sacrifice my holiday T_T
so sad!
so..i go back by bus alone this time.
without accompany by friends~
for the first time, i go back by bus alone.
although feel a bit scare, but still have to do it!
the journey is long this time~
feeling complicated~
be independent this time..
i am brave enough :)

a memory-photo for my first alone journey :)

Home-cooked Food

it is a long time for me didn't eat home-cooked food~
miss it much!
miss the moment that every meals prepared by my mom~
now, at university we need to settle each meals by our own.
this few days holidays, finally i can eat home-cooked food prepared by my mom.
that day, we eat steambot!!
my favourite!! yipee~~
it is my favourite because i love the soup..
and also can eat many types of fishballs..haha!

yummy yummy~
long time didn't eat steambot already~
really miss it XP
mom had prepared two types of soup..
that are tomyam and original soup.
eating steambot together with family is totally different~
the feeling is so warm and lovely~
hope to havea steambot meal with friends in university.
let's try it together, my friends :)

Friday 9 November 2012

Friend, My Buddy

i have a friend in my hometown.
a friend who always waiting me to back every sem break.
a friend who always helping me when i am study at other state.
a friend who always supporting me although i am not on her side.
a friend who accompany me for already more than 10 years life.
i had changed a lot, from a timid and queit girl to a mature and brave girl.
she had changed a lot, from a fierce and sturborn girl to a soft and kind girl.
althought we had changed, but our friendship never end~

today, we chit-chat at Ochado
nice place :)

friend, you are not alone.
buddy buddy forever! ^.^)Y

Monday 5 November 2012

Fun-Redbox, The Garden

after 3 days stressful exam,
it is time for us to unwind ourself!
we plan to watch a movie actually,
but end up with singing-K in Redbox.
this is my first time sing-K in my uni life.
different venue, different condition, different partners :)
5 of us sing like crazy~
jumping here and jumping there~
never take care of our own image~haha!
totally enjoyable!
besides, we also provided with buffet at Redbox~
and we are full enough!
happiness filled in the box~
and we love it <3

i am really enjoy singing with you guys!
hope that we will have the chance again..
Gambateh to you all in exam coming soon.
Love you guys :)

stress!! exam!

i almost crazy already!
because we are having exam although it is weekend~
somemore it is the hardest subject for me----> MIKROEKONOMI
this few days are stress enough!
we have to read all the books, learn all the things that we had learnt in this 7 weeks~
disgest all the things in few days zZz
first time taking exam in uni,
the feeling is totally different compared to secondary school and matriculation too >.<
so stressssssssssss~haha
lack of confident~
feeling myself not prepared well for the exam..
last, hope that god bless me!
will score good for my first time exam in my uni~

many tables for candidates~
stessful condition..haha!  XD
Good Luck, all buddies  ^^