Sunday 28 October 2012

Eat Eat Eat-satisfied Dinner!!

there are 4 days holidays for school now.
many have go back to their own hometown.
left few of students didn't go back,
and i am one of them.. zZz

cafe closed for those 4 days too.
the main problem we faced is losing of food sources T_T
well, we decided to have our dinner at outside
after ''starving'' for a few days zZz

our "rich'' dinner!!!
somemore have prawn! haha!
we are full enough and satisfy ^^

lets take a photo before enjoying our dinner :)

we LOVE to Eat! haha

Eat Eat Eat-Domino Pizza!

well, this is my first time to eat domino pizza =.=''
and we get it from delivery service to UKM!!!
Total of 8 people of us
and we order 5 regular pizza with 5 different flavours :)
add on a big side dishes of snacks~
8 of us like hungry ghost~
helding party in the room~
enjoy eating~
eat with enjoy~
a cheerful condition, a room that filled with happiness :)

picture 4 out of 8 ^^  hungry T_T

pizza! pizza! yummy yummy~~ :)

friends, let have an eating party again! Heeeehee~

Saturday 20 October 2012

Fun fun fun-UKM convo

this is my first time joining UKM convo~
this is an big event!
and many people there~
i am representative Chung Ling-my secondary school to join this event
we are wishing 3 seniors that from chung ling school before~
and we sing our school song too! hehe
althought they are many people arond us staring us
with weird-eye~
bt we just continue singing our lovely school song~
because we are proud of it!

convo of ukm~
i will be the one after 4 years study life~
feeling so complicated >.<  haha!

ok~ good night, world :)

Fun Fun Fun-pasar malam cheras

finally i have the chance to go to pasar malam cheras :)
so happy!!
i wish to go long time ago, but don't know the path way to go~
and this time, the FEP seniors from ZA'BA take us along  XD
first we go to KTM by rapid T430
then we drop off at station bandar tasek selatan and
take taxi to taman connought~
that simple ^^

pasar malam cheras ^^  still early so people are still little~

there are selling many type food~
ad also many goods~
many people too of course~
especially at night~

photo together between juniors and seniors <3

picture inside KTM
4 flowers juniors form ZA'BA
sista forever :)

Sunday 14 October 2012

Fun Fun Fun-Event

this is an event that prepared by our lovely second year seniors
to imprive the relationship between juniors and senior~
we having fun that day :)

Friday 12 October 2012

Love From You

i am so grateful that i have a good roomate :)
wink~ wink~
she so take care about me~
just like my mother..haha!
she sweep the floor
and mop the floor every week~
without any blaming
the most touching part is
always 'tao bao' for me ;T_T;
soooo touching~

sharing is caring <3
we share a burger together that night :)

a sweet dinner on a sunday night =X

i am so grateful that having you as my roomate
thank you for everythings
wish you happy everyday :)

Saturday 6 October 2012

Fun-com night of ZA'BA

yea yea~~
6/10/2012 is com night of za'ba
everyone wearing their own like a prince and princess~
all are pretty enough!
our group performing sketch and get an award as
and congrazt to my fren too~
get an award as "THE BEST ACTRESS"

hehe~my best friend from ZA'BA
she is from kuching, sarawak :)

last! this is the group photo from our group, TTK and Protokol!
we are the best!

Fun-Pesta Tanglung

this is my first time of joining pesta tanlung activity~
what make me want to join it is actually
there are having a session to put "sky lattern" :)
4 people in 1 group
and we 4 write down our own wishes on the "sky lattern"

about hundred of "sky lattern" being released to the sky~~
like fireflies ^^

next, there are also some lattern products from pesta tanglung
that exhibit to public~

pretty pretty ^^

lasty, there are our photo in pesta tanlung activity~
sweet sweet memory :)